How to Use Safelists Properly!
Safelists are still an effective way to build your list! Learning how to use safelists properly can help you grow your email list with targeted subscribers and buyers. It will also help you to accomplish your 2nd goal which is to brand yourself.
A safelist is a mailing list where all members can mail to each other. These emails cannot be considered as spam because every member has opted in and confirmed their email address. This is called a double opt in.
A safelist can be used to advertise affiliate links, business opportunities and most importantly squeeze pages for list building. Typically, they work better in the make money online niche as most of them are targeted to that corner of the market.
Some people consider them to be a “junk traffic” method but any kind of traffic that gets you in front of a targeted audience is “good traffic” in my book. It is still a method that I use to put people on my list. It is something that I use and believe in.
Are there better ways to build your list quicker? Most definitely, but using safelists properly is just another tool to have in our arsenal to reach some additional people that may not have been on your list before.
Safelists will not grow your list overnight but they will bring you consistent subscribers to your offers and to your lists.
How to use Safelists Correctly!
One of the biggest mistakes people make with any type of safe list marketing campaign is that they focus on trying to make money directly by promoting affiliate links or sending traffic to a sale page. This is a big, big mistake that people make.
- If you send them to a sales page, yes, you may get some traffic from that safelist, but if that person doesn’t like that sale page offer they will not buy from you.
- Most people don’t buy from a sales page! The sales page would really have to stand out.
- Sales pages only convert at 1 to 5 percent, sometimes a little higher but on an average they only convert from 1 to 5 percent. That means that for every 150 people you send maybe only 1 person will buy.
- Sometmes safelist traffic is even a little less than normal. This means that for every 150 people you send to your sales page you may not get any sales at all.
- Wouldn’t it be better to send those 150 people to your squeeze page and get them to join your list? At that point you can market your affiliate links or offers to your list. You can build a relationship with your subscribers that can’t be done from a sales page.
- Your safe list promotions should be for them to download your free offer which gets them onto our list.
- A free report or a free offer will stand out even better as well since so many people are promoting to safelists incorrectly.
Where do you find safelists?
You can search for “free safelists” on Goggle. Always join your safelists free! They usually offer upgrade opportunities but I would wait to upgrade until you have tracked your ads and determined which lists and ads give you more sign ups and sales. You want to get the best return for your investment.
- Jerry Iannucci publishes a ranking list on his website GettingRichWithJerry. Grab his free ebook Safelist Marketing Tactics. It is an excellent resource for Safelist Marketing.
- List Hoopla offers a safelist ranking page also. They offer downline builders and a safelist directory.
Join the top ranking safelists!
Join the safelists for free! Set up an ad campaign and track your results! Then when you determine what lists and ads give you the best results, consider upgrading. Build your list and brand yourself by learning how to use safelists properly.
Would you like to receive a complete Safelist Email Training Course that includes setting up ad campaigns and tracking!
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Here is to your Success in 2020!
Donnie Ellis
PS Start putting the pieces together. Use your safelists properly and get some results.
PSS By the way your comments are welcome!